Well, 2022 is here, and I hope you all are pushing through this pandemic and ready to get on with having better health this year. As you know, if you have been a patient with me for many years, I am always making changes to offer better care options for my patients and this year is no different. I have easily put in over 200 hours of continued education this past year and thousands of dollars in new rehab equipment to improve the quality of our care. Since many of you are still not back at work full time and to give options for my patients that have moved away, we are going to add new online educational content.
I will be making tons of new videos and posting them on
different social media platforms. Please send me a message about an area of your body or health condition that you want to see a video about. I will gladly make a video on the topic. Take a moment and make a health resolution for this year about an area of your health or body that you want to work on and let me help. It would be wasted knowledge if I can't help people and that would be a regret to me. We have added many new treatment options that if you have a chronic area of the body that you wish felt better or maybe you want to breathe better or move better, just let us know.
These videos will go with our philosophy in helping you to: MOVE BETTER, FEEL BETTER, SEE BETTER AND BREATHE BETTER.
Please feel free to share the videos with your friends, family, and co-workers. I am by no means a professional video guy so don't expect Hollywood production-grade quality but Hollywood has nothing on our educational content which should be more important.
MOVE BETTER: We have added lots of mobility training options since last year. We are also showing how opposing joint movements help with joint pain. I just finished a new video blog on bone rhythm therapies for joint pain so look for that soon.
FEEL BETTER: Over the last year, we have added lots of soft tissue therapies using vibration, taping, flossing, Rock blades, spot TENS units, and cupping. If you have not tried some of these therapies on your painful areas, please come in and ask for them. We have recently added many new techniques for the lymphatic system. The lymph system is grossly overlooked and not well educated in either med school or chiropractic school. We find a lot of links between pain and poor lymph movement. We have most recently started working on visceral (organ) pain and the lymphatic system. This is worth trying if you have a lot of strange pain that moves around the body and is not very specific to one spot.
SEE BETTER: We invested in the Senaptec vision training system, which is the same system the Timberwolves and many other D1 colleges and professional teams use to train vision and hand-eye coordination for their athletes. We have new vision training videos to use at the clinic and at home. We use strobe glasses for movement training along with colored lens glasses for headache relief.
BREATHE BETTER: We have added lots of focus on new breathing techniques for our chronic pain patients. Just finishing a breathing webinar that I will post on our blog soon which can be a game changer for many patients suffering from chronic pain and reduce brain deterioration. So look for that video soon showing you how you can test your breathing health.
I understand many of you are working from home or are still not comfortable leaving the house much. We can make great progress with you if you can just make it in one or two times a month to be reassessed and after each visit, you will get new things to work on at home. I have new stations around the clinic to demonstrate how to MOVE BETTER, FEEL BETTER, SEE BETTER AND BREATHE BETTER. I will also be giving everyone on our wellness program zip drives and take-home exercises so they can create their own personalized program at home. For most of my new rehab exercises that I will be giving you, all you will need is a band. You will be really surprised by how great of results you will get from just moving joints better.
Below are links to our social media sites please like or subscribe so you can stay up-to-date with a new video added:
There are some major changes with many insurance companies this year, so we will review your benefits on your next visit.
God bless you and your family this new year.
Dr. Nate Burdash
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